In the early 1970s the congregation purchased 11 acres along the Niagara excarpment.  The new church was constructed in 1973 and named Rockcliffe Gospel Temple.  On January 1, 2015, the church was renamed Rockcliffe Pentecostal Church.

We just celebrated 100 years of God's blessing and favour. #HEISFAITHUL

One Hundred years have become history since the first official meeting of this congregation.  It would take many books to record all the people and the events which God used over the years to bring us to this present moment.  Many of our sons and daughters have travelled across this nation and some around the world, proclaiming this power of Holy Spirit through the gospel message.  Others have been called to become part of what God is doing here at home. As we look to the future, we anticipate the continued blessing of God to us and through us.  As we love our Saviour in obedience to Him, let us love each other and our community with the love of the Father.  “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it:  Love your neighbor as yourself.”   Matthew 22:37 - 39.

See attached 100 Year History of RPC below.